Sunday 9 September 2012


  • came home from N's at like 10.30 and pretty much spent the whole day on facebook
  • K called randomly...noooottt good, not good at all. I mean we've talked on the phone before, but like he's never called up just to chat....I don't want him to try get any closer to me, I don't want to lead him on and I don't want to have an awkward "sorry, but I don't like you" conversation. I tried to make as many awkward silences as I could, before hanging up saying I had to go to lunch. Hopefully that will put him off...I know I sound like a bitch, but everytime i think about possibly getting together with him I feel so weird, and like ugh...obviously thats saying something
  • had the most deep nap of my entire life, woke up thinking it was morning (it was 6.30pm)
  • had to go to some fobs house instead of D's 18th, played stupid cards until 10.30 then went home
  • aunty linta's critical in hospital :(
  • bio tutor was awesome today, M told me to sit next to him and N and we all talked stacks, and it wasn't me being afraid to talk either, like it was genuine friendly (they like me so much more after formal) they like took selfies on my ipod and everything. They also said i looked really nice on friday :D
  • regretting my choice for dp, and I know exactly which photo would rake in the likes (27 as of now, without any help) but I just can't bring myself to do it
  • I actually looked pretty hot on friday :P
  • hair is no longer beautiful and curly, but is now soft and smooth
  • procastinating so much, formal has seriously taken over my life this past week

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