Thursday 6 September 2012


just about to blurt out anything that happened in the last three days - may or may not be coherent
  • possible formal eyes?
  • I GOT 100% ON MY BIO SAC!!!! yes after scaling but whateves, 100% is still 100% and my other sac came back as a solid NO SCALING 94%
  • had the teacher strike on Wednesday so like no one was at school, so me and N left at the start of recess (so so shifty). We went to priceline where I bought fit me powder,curling mascara (that so doesn't curl) and gold nail polish. After we went to diva, big W, and like 20 billion shops in mc so N could buy a belt (from bardot) and shoes (from big W). Had to lie to appachchi and tell him I went home straight afterschool, coz he didn't like the idea of me leaving school early and going shopping
  • tried on everything for formal...I look....decent :P
  • speaking of afters, K and D are NOT coming down (YES), after the whole drama that happened yesterday...I really should write a post on what happened, but I don't want to work myself up about it all over again
  • OMG 50/50 on englang omgogmogmogmgomgomogmogmogm like wtf. HOW DID I DO THAT!!! I was seriously expecting a B+..not even, I was HOPING for a B+, but I got FULL marks
  • please don't let me get my period,  please don't let me get my period,  please don't let me get my period,  please don't let me get my period, please don't let me get my period,  please don't let me get my period,  please don't let me get my period,  please don't let me get my period 
  • talked to apachchi about formal wasn't weird AT all....I even told him I was considering taking P but didn't coz I thought it would be awkward :P
  •  lol listened to ammi talk to some aunty about finding Javindu a possible wife :P
  • I can't believe formal is tomorrow...TOMORROW!

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