Wednesday 19 September 2012

 - got money off K today, so so so fucking awkward but I wanted my $80 back
 - N is still weird
 - bought this asian dessert thing for 5.50 but ended up throwing half away coz it was too much :/
 - got a shadow palette for $2
 - got fucked over by spesh...again
 - too the tram with B who I think was really nervous about the whole food thing, but I avoided the     topic and she seemed alright
 - I hate telling people about K, all they do is tease me
 - ammi made chapatti :D
 - met H at springy and I half walked her to tutor, she is so lovely :)
 - it was Mr.C's birthday and S made him this huge chocolate cake, and we all stood around his table singing happy birthday and it was just really really cute.
 - I think P was hoping I was going to a bio lecture so he could go to the same one...but i'm not, and I don't really want to book one coz they're pretty pricey and I actually do need to do a lot of bio these holidays...JUST ASK ME OUT DAMMIT
 - made like 12 bows for our recycled dress...hope everyone likes them (yn)

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