Thursday 27 September 2012

so here's a super long bullet post recounting my last 3 days, because I forgot to update my blog or just because I was too lazy

- finally put up the lanterns K gave me for my birthday, they look really good and on the first night I had them up I had a little chill out sesh with them on listening to ed sheeran..I felt so indie
- did 1000 skips monday and tuesday, 80 sit ups wednesday and nothing today (no time bruh), fit malshi ftw
- made pancakes but couldn't get myself to eat them with a banana
- been studying so much, but it doesn't feel enough and I still have so much hw
- went to 3 different pricelines to look for the essence black gel liner NOT ONE OF THEM HAD IT!
- got bubble tea with these cool lychee popping things
- D has his P's and takes procastination to a whole new level, came over to our house just to get movies we don't even have and just stayed and talked for half an hour
- been in a relatively shit mood the last couple of days, just feel so out of touch with everything
- went out for the first time these whole holidays to C's picnic. slightly awkward just coz it was people from a range of different groups but it was good. It did however just re-inforce how sad and boring my life is. Sat and listened to A and A talk about there and others lives. sex, parties, drugs the whole lot. WHY IS MY LIFE SO FUCKING SHELTERED! as bad as it sounds, I want to get waster, smoke weed and hook up with guys. To dirty dance to pounding music, to feel their body against mine. ughhhhhhhhh why why why am I so uninteresting and loserish :( #pitypartyformalshi
- I have actually eaten so much sweet crap today, that I'm going to get fat and die of diabetes

this post was a lot shorter than I imagined

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