Sunday 30 September 2012

1st make up mishap.
wore it to bio tutor, first thing M said when he saw me "WHY YOU WEARING MAKEUP?".... I was going for the natural look. Then K proceeded to tell me I had glitter all over my face (that was my attempt at applying bronzer)
safe to say i'll by doing nothing but eyes from now on for tutor.

although I did buy a matte bronzer today :D

Saturday 29 September 2012

46. Rain on rooftoops

wasted so so so much time

 - spent HOURS looking at make up
 - took selfies for an hour for the perfect ear cuff shoot to put on instagram
 - went to dance practise for "half an hour", naturally stayed for 1 hour
 - dyed ammi's hair
 - watched like 4 episodes of merlin

and the only work I did was 2 hours of bio notes and half my chem assignment. MALSHI WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?

Thursday 27 September 2012

44. independance

so here's a super long bullet post recounting my last 3 days, because I forgot to update my blog or just because I was too lazy

- finally put up the lanterns K gave me for my birthday, they look really good and on the first night I had them up I had a little chill out sesh with them on listening to ed sheeran..I felt so indie
- did 1000 skips monday and tuesday, 80 sit ups wednesday and nothing today (no time bruh), fit malshi ftw
- made pancakes but couldn't get myself to eat them with a banana
- been studying so much, but it doesn't feel enough and I still have so much hw
- went to 3 different pricelines to look for the essence black gel liner NOT ONE OF THEM HAD IT!
- got bubble tea with these cool lychee popping things
- D has his P's and takes procastination to a whole new level, came over to our house just to get movies we don't even have and just stayed and talked for half an hour
- been in a relatively shit mood the last couple of days, just feel so out of touch with everything
- went out for the first time these whole holidays to C's picnic. slightly awkward just coz it was people from a range of different groups but it was good. It did however just re-inforce how sad and boring my life is. Sat and listened to A and A talk about there and others lives. sex, parties, drugs the whole lot. WHY IS MY LIFE SO FUCKING SHELTERED! as bad as it sounds, I want to get waster, smoke weed and hook up with guys. To dirty dance to pounding music, to feel their body against mine. ughhhhhhhhh why why why am I so uninteresting and loserish :( #pitypartyformalshi
- I have actually eaten so much sweet crap today, that I'm going to get fat and die of diabetes

this post was a lot shorter than I imagined

Monday 24 September 2012

I feel like crap, I  can't go on facebook because all I see is photo's of fun parties that I wasn't invited to, but then when I do get invited to things (melb show with J par example) I make up lies so I don't have to go. What's wrong with me? I just feel so low.

Sunday 23 September 2012

43. new songs on a ipod
ugh I want to go to a real party. A party with booze, slutty dresses, raging hormones and pounding music. I'm nearly 17 and I want to make memories that I'm going to remember. Bloody S gets into all of them, EVEN IF SHE DOESN'T KNOW THE HOSTS! and P gets all the chances coz of her bloody good looks and popularity, and even just being family friends with D I just see how much I'm missing out on. It's not like I want to get drunk and vomit my guts out, but I just want to have some normal teenage experiences. Not those that are clouded by macrob and curry influence. I WANT TO BE MY AGE!

Friday 21 September 2012

I actually had such a lovely day today. Pretty much everything I said in my last post came through :) Believe it of not our enviro dress placed 3rd (its really wasn't that good) and I ended up getting 48/50 on a french listening task! Went to diaso and was pretty shattered to find out they don't have the charcoal face mask, but I still got they eyeshadow, highlighters and had an impulse purchase of a skipping rope that counts how many skips you do (I read somewhere that 5 minutes of fast skipping = a 20 minute walk.....healthy fit malshi here i come!) I then went to priceline and to my dismay NO BLUE NAILPOLISH! but they had the exact pink I wanted, and there was also a sparkly white that I though would be a nice topcoat so hey why not :D and as leaving the store I saw this deep deep blue on sale for $3 too, so of course I just had to get it, but the best thing is, the lady at the counter did her maths wrong and I only ended up paying $5.50 for all three nailpolishes! don't judge the curry in me. Then met the girls at the mc garden where we chilled and P took shocking photos of us, quite lovely :D yeah then home and french, THEN 2 hours of intense one on one dance rehearsal for the item I'm doing, which means no dancing tomorrow...I HAVE A COMPLETELY FREE WEEKEND, THIS NEVER EVER EVER HAPPENS!! I don't even have chem tutor on tuesday :D
good start to the holidays :)

Thursday 20 September 2012

OMG LAST DAY OF TERM TOMORROW OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! I have actually never wanted holidays more, and it's not because I have anything really planned (actually all I have planned is C's picnic) but just so I can get my shit together. I've hardly been doing bio these last couple of weeks, saying that i'll do everything these holidays, so now its my time to actually get shit done. Made a pact with P and I shall do a MINIMUM of an hour of bio a day as well as a practice exam. That's over two hours a day and leaves plenty of time to enjoy myself and work on my other subjects. BUT ANYHOW tomorrow shall be awesome:

  • enviro fashion parade
  • no methods, so extra time for bio
  • early finish
  • daiso raid
  • buying lunch
  • mc garden with the ladies
thank the lord.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

42. good teachers
 - got money off K today, so so so fucking awkward but I wanted my $80 back
 - N is still weird
 - bought this asian dessert thing for 5.50 but ended up throwing half away coz it was too much :/
 - got a shadow palette for $2
 - got fucked over by spesh...again
 - too the tram with B who I think was really nervous about the whole food thing, but I avoided the     topic and she seemed alright
 - I hate telling people about K, all they do is tease me
 - ammi made chapatti :D
 - met H at springy and I half walked her to tutor, she is so lovely :)
 - it was Mr.C's birthday and S made him this huge chocolate cake, and we all stood around his table singing happy birthday and it was just really really cute.
 - I think P was hoping I was going to a bio lecture so he could go to the same one...but i'm not, and I don't really want to book one coz they're pretty pricey and I actually do need to do a lot of bio these holidays...JUST ASK ME OUT DAMMIT
 - made like 12 bows for our recycled dress...hope everyone likes them (yn)

Monday 17 September 2012

meet steve

N and I are fucking hilarious


 - why am I not improving in these stupid umat drills?
 - I don't see it. I'm not pretty, I'm not gorgeous, I'm not "doable"...I'm alright but defintely nothing special
 - K isn't replying to my inbox.... no money then?
 - methods test tomorrow, hopefully it will go alright (yn)
 - I actually need these holidays so so so so much, I'm just tired all the time and I can't handle it
 - I need more moolah
 - which reminds me, cotton on still haven't replied
 - need to make a holiday checklist

Sunday 16 September 2012

41. laptop

Angsty teen.

I'm in a pissy mood, so I'm going to rant despite the childishness of the whole situation
firstly ammi went grocery shopping without me and brought back everything I told her to, but in the wrong fucking way. not my fat free dip (3g of fat in one fucking serving), not a  normal size packet of LCM's ( I don't wont that bloody many), not fat free cheese (another 3 freakn grams), 2 packets of crumpets that I didn't even ask for (I DIDN'T WANT THEM!) and I didn't even check what type of ham she bought, probably fucked that up too
I'm not done.
I have so many 1/2 shit to stud for but it doesn't help that i have such incompitent teachers that can't teach to save their lives. doing chem revision cheets and I'm pretty sure we haven't learnt half of it at school, and as for trig?? WHY REPLACE A RUSSIAN SPESH TEACHER WITH ANOTHER RUSSIAN SPESH TEACHER WITH AN EVEN THICKER ACCENT?!?!?!? can people who speak normal english be really that bad at spesh??
I have been spending a crzy amount of time, googling daiso products and now have a list of a whole bunch of make up I want to buy BUT I have no money to buy them :/ I have to meet up with K to grab the $80, but 1) I cbf meeting up with K and 2) I bet you when we meet up he is going to forget and not give me my $80 and then I am going to be left feeling like crap from missing out of possible make up shopping money. HE ISN'T EVEN REPLYING TO MY INBOXES!!
liughlkzjfnlfdj all I was to do is sit down and read my french harry potter with a huge cup of fro yo or some sort of asian dessert and not have to worry about calories or impending exams (bio in t- 47 days)

rant over.

Friday 14 September 2012

my "malshi day" was a little more rushed than I would have liked but nevertheless I did get the angels on bareskin cleanser (my skin feels so supple!) AND found daiso and got my 2.80 eyelash curler. Since I was in a rush, I didn't get to look around very much but from what I saw, I am definitely going back!! got a cone in a cup and a BBQ pork bun in springy (the pork bun was the annoying savoury and sweet type thing -.-), then got picked up early by appachchi who was in a pretty shitty mood.
here's list of things i want to do this week (but probably wont)
- buy pastel/bright blue nail polish
- buy extra makeup from pharmacy's I don't really need
- buy froyo!
- raid Daiso
- buy bubbletea
- download more music
- practise pretty eyes
- stick to a strict facial routine

Thursday 13 September 2012

Ms. Evans was away so we had period 6 off, so I planned to do my "malshi" day today, but ended getting lost in QV and spending 20 minutes trying to find swanston street again... I DIDN'T EVEN BUY ANYTHING TO EAT!!! had no time :/
ahwell, real "malshi" day will happen tomorrow, here's the plan.
- lush to buy herbalism/angels on bare skin cleanser
- daiso to buy a $2.80 eyelash curler, and whatever else that catches my eye (ITS A JAP SHOP WHERE THE WHOLE STORE IS $2.80)
- priceline (city or springy depending on time) to find pretty nailpolish
- try get the early train from mc
- buy asian food (sooooo not gonna have time) from springy

Wednesday 12 September 2012

39. cute lunch dates

Procastination bitch.

  • Today was A's birthday so P made some weird as Christiano ronaldo poster and I made a card
  • had our chem assessment, and all was going good til' P and I started getting cocky..had to fake our results after that -.-
  • K sent me a text about meeting up so he can pay me for formal...I'm so torn...I don't want to catch up just coz i cbf (im a bitch i know) BUT I WANT AN EXTRA $80 LAH
  • did fun run after school, GUESS YOU FUCKING RAN 5KMS IN HALF AN HOUR!!!!!! no joke, I haven't ever run that much in my whole entire life before, so proud :D
  • went to this cute as jap resturaunt after for A's birthday  , the lady heard us singing happy birthday and brought us free cookies :D
  • didn't go to the temple for aunty a shit shit shit shit person
  • read a post on B's blog, in french about her eating problems... I messaged her about it, and she told me she was fine and then deleted the post...I don't know what to do :/
  • spontaneous job application to Cotton On...I really hope i get it o.O

Tuesday 11 September 2012

I am actually hating chemistry more than spesh atm. that, is saying a heck of a lot.

Monday 10 September 2012

38. gangman style
so today I found out that E and M have kinda a thing. First I was shocked, totally not expecting it because of M and N but then I was kinda hurt, why didn't M tell me herself?? I know its something HUGE for anyone, but I'm not at all homophobic and we have gotten so much closer this past year, I know she has other friends that are closer, but I thought that not being in her immediate friendship group would have made it easier for her to tell me, you know? I totally forgot it was her birthday shit but lied and said I left her card at home, so know I'm going to write her the most heartfelt message ever about how much I love her and trust her and see if that will do anything.

Sunday 9 September 2012


  • came home from N's at like 10.30 and pretty much spent the whole day on facebook
  • K called randomly...noooottt good, not good at all. I mean we've talked on the phone before, but like he's never called up just to chat....I don't want him to try get any closer to me, I don't want to lead him on and I don't want to have an awkward "sorry, but I don't like you" conversation. I tried to make as many awkward silences as I could, before hanging up saying I had to go to lunch. Hopefully that will put him off...I know I sound like a bitch, but everytime i think about possibly getting together with him I feel so weird, and like ugh...obviously thats saying something
  • had the most deep nap of my entire life, woke up thinking it was morning (it was 6.30pm)
  • had to go to some fobs house instead of D's 18th, played stupid cards until 10.30 then went home
  • aunty linta's critical in hospital :(
  • bio tutor was awesome today, M told me to sit next to him and N and we all talked stacks, and it wasn't me being afraid to talk either, like it was genuine friendly (they like me so much more after formal) they like took selfies on my ipod and everything. They also said i looked really nice on friday :D
  • regretting my choice for dp, and I know exactly which photo would rake in the likes (27 as of now, without any help) but I just can't bring myself to do it
  • I actually looked pretty hot on friday :P
  • hair is no longer beautiful and curly, but is now soft and smooth
  • procastinating so much, formal has seriously taken over my life this past week

all class.

Friday 7 September 2012


OMG yesterday was formal. The event we have been talking about for months and months AS WELL AS my first sleep over, prepare for a blow-by-blow account of the full day.
Woke up and went to school normal time with N despite having a double free in the morning. Halfway through my second free I get a text from V saying her sister was home and able to do my hair/make-up! I WAS SO CONFUSED ABOUT WHAT TO DO!! I had planned my entire day out , hair appointment and all and here she goes texting me on the day, saying she and her sister could come over and do everything for me without me wasting money and how I initially planned! I took the risk and cancelled the hair appointment and told them to get to my house at like 3.20 but still went with N to the salon anyway to drop her off. So when I got home, I pretty much just had to shower and moisturise then wait for V and her sister. Had so much spare time, so I had a desperate attempt to read harry potter in french but was just too excited/nervous. V and her sister ended up coming at 3.40 (trust) but omfg made me look amazing, I have never felt so pretty in my entire life and although I was beyond stressed because I was very very late to N's house I was so so so happy with the result. Got to N's house at 4.45 greeted by screams from her and A about how good I looked (even P did an eyebrow raise when he saw me :D) and we took a couple of quick photos, before getting in the car to get to S's for pre's. Long, drive with lots of traffic. Got there at the exact same time as K (lucky) and went in and just screamed about how lovely everyone looked, tbh pre's wasn't that great coz all the mhs guys (S,P,N,M and B) kinda hung out together leaving all the girls and T and K, also did corsages which again was kinda awkward but yeah whatever. finished a whole bottle of vodka (spiked the punch) and G had her first drink. Took some crappy photos then got in the taxi and got to San Remo Ballroom. The place was a lot smaller than I thought and the decorations weren't THAT great (fe, not like they can do much anyway) but freakn hell M and K both snuck in alcohol into the venue. Pretty much every hour they left to go to the bathroom to take a drink, and it got to a point where M was obviously tipsy and P was getting upset. I told K no more which made him think I was pissed at him so he kept apologizing over and over again, which actually kinda made me pissed coz he didn't believe me, that I wasnt angry at him. That was pretty much the first bit of the night, the rest was filled with many many photos (gargi pose bitches), dancing teachers,killer heels, complaining about killer heels, pretty crappy food (except the sticky date pudding), M fucking pissing me off by telling me every half hour to kiss K, which I could tell he wanted me too, but no way was I going to complicate everything by going there...(I mean I don't even think I like him, what about P?? )OH and formal queen was announced but a different chick went up, thinking it was her name that was called (shhhh its a secret) and yeah ended the night, by kissing K on the cheek goodbye and getting picked up by N's brother and his annoying gf along with A,C,A,P,N. Had a huge sing along (backstreet boys, marroon 5) and ended up getting to N's house at 12.30 after P and G already arrived :P we did an allnighter, 6 hours of just talking, finishing a whole bottle of wine and omg just acting like spastics. Breakfast then more talking and photos before being picked up at 10.
fuck the last 24 hours have been eventful

Thursday 6 September 2012

37. feeling smart....occasionally


just about to blurt out anything that happened in the last three days - may or may not be coherent
  • possible formal eyes?
  • I GOT 100% ON MY BIO SAC!!!! yes after scaling but whateves, 100% is still 100% and my other sac came back as a solid NO SCALING 94%
  • had the teacher strike on Wednesday so like no one was at school, so me and N left at the start of recess (so so shifty). We went to priceline where I bought fit me powder,curling mascara (that so doesn't curl) and gold nail polish. After we went to diva, big W, and like 20 billion shops in mc so N could buy a belt (from bardot) and shoes (from big W). Had to lie to appachchi and tell him I went home straight afterschool, coz he didn't like the idea of me leaving school early and going shopping
  • tried on everything for formal...I look....decent :P
  • speaking of afters, K and D are NOT coming down (YES), after the whole drama that happened yesterday...I really should write a post on what happened, but I don't want to work myself up about it all over again
  • OMG 50/50 on englang omgogmogmogmgomgomogmogmogm like wtf. HOW DID I DO THAT!!! I was seriously expecting a B+..not even, I was HOPING for a B+, but I got FULL marks
  • please don't let me get my period,  please don't let me get my period,  please don't let me get my period,  please don't let me get my period, please don't let me get my period,  please don't let me get my period,  please don't let me get my period,  please don't let me get my period 
  • talked to apachchi about formal wasn't weird AT all....I even told him I was considering taking P but didn't coz I thought it would be awkward :P
  •  lol listened to ammi talk to some aunty about finding Javindu a possible wife :P
  • I can't believe formal is tomorrow...TOMORROW!

Tuesday 4 September 2012

43/45 on methods sac, 100% (first and last) on spesh assignment, for onCe A copied off ME in spesh, detention was just taking staples out of sacs and allowed to leave school tomorrow at recess :)

relatively good day :)

Monday 3 September 2012


appachchi's ranting to ammi about my detention


  • got my chem test back...........byebye A+ average and hello 68% o.O
  • talked drinks at pre's during lunch. It pisses me off so much, how A,P and N keep saying different thing about how much they are going to drink. When we have group conversations "nah, I'm not going to drink that much, just a tiny bit" and when its just one to one conversations "seriously if I can stay over I;m going to like down the drinks". It is so fucking annoying, coz when we have the group conversations I end up looking like an alcoholic :|
  • bio sac today, went alright...definitely questions I'm not sure about but hopefully the guessing went ok, BUT got my other sac back....93% RAW BITCHES!!!! that means it probably will get scaled to 100% by VCAA at the end :D
  • ammi came back today, and she seems oddly.....approachable?? no yelling, just a normal human being. She also brought back like a grand worth of gold bracelets for me.. DUH FUCK????!?!? coming from the women who doesn't buy groceries unless they're on special :S
  • N is getting her hair done with me for formal, YAY
  • K has been annoying me lately...for no particular reason, just has, but i've noticed how much often P replies on facebook. From the inital message once every couple days, so a reply back in 5 minutes...its nice :D haha I don't even main the sucky job P does to try wingman P on the train. I was totally third wheeling today coz M and K didn't catch the 43, and the whole time P and N were just trying to find thing me and P had in common. stupid but cute :P
  • ugh dreading tomrrow, such a packed day, but looked oh so forward to Wednesday where I shall finish waxing, try on dress with shoes and jewellery, practice eye make up and finish french homework.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Dihybrid crosses

So so so worried for tomorrow's sac, I barely know what I'm doing and I've been studying the whole day.
Please please please God make tomorrow go well, please just keep the A+ average, I really am trying so hard.

Saturday 1 September 2012

36. hairless backs

so so so amazing

so today I woke up at 6.30 (what 6 hours of sleep on the weekend?)  because of my non stop thinking about formal. Whether it be money, hair make-up i just can't help it....I think slowly getting excited!!! I'm actually becoming a bit of a make up junky started off by me just wanting foundation, now on my list I have..
- fit me compact powder
- fit me concealer
- australis curl it mascara
- angels on bare skin cleanser
- an exfoliating glove
- gel liner
- bronzer
LOL totally not going to get even half of this anytime soon, funds are low and unless I move to america, I'm not getting any of the above for $5. Anyways, did bio for a solid 2 hours then got the house ready for J and N. J come over at like 12ish and did my eyebrows and waxed my back (pain beyond pain) and N came just in time for lunch (which appachchi made all himself) and after we waxed my arms (very patchy, but I was so sick of hair removal I didn't even care) and C came over so she could car pool with J and N to go to H's house. As soon as they left at 5ish I headed to dancing, then after went grocery shopping and got fish and chips for dinner. I'm so surprised, today I've eaten so much shit...full fat yoghurt, brownies, danish, fish and chips, 3/4 of a doughnut and rice!!! I know I should be freaking out big time...but I'm not!! I'm in a cbf mood and I like it :D so now I did another hour of bio and did a bit of randomo facebook stalking and planning on going to bad.
Today was a pretty good day, I should do girly makeover days more often :D