Sunday 12 August 2012


  • thoughts of P made me giddy all day. Subtle flirting over facebook and an overactive imagination is giving me stupid hope
  • stuck in a bit of a conundrum with subjects. If I decide to drop spesh and pick up further I need to get a raw score of 48 to get a 98 atar. I;m good at math, but am I that good? I know I will probably enjoy further alot more than spesh, but apparently spesh in year 12 helps heaps with methods, so if I drop spesh will I compromise my score in methods?? But I have no idea if i'll be able to get a 35 in spesh, whether i'll be able to deal with the emotional stress or whether i'll be able to devote enough time to learn the stupid subject with all its stupid physics. lwefuhvlsjdkfvlkvs so torn.
  • gaining confidence with talking with N and M. Not afraid to express an opinion as much, and am able to joke around with them too.
  • suits is freakn awesome
  • I think i'm starting to lose my uncontrollable sweet tooth..or rather take control of my sweet tooth. Yesterday at the party, I said no to cake, and ate no dessert (despite eating hardly any dinner, or snacks) and today although I ate ice cream after lunch and a scone with some tea, I didn't have anything sweet after dinner...quite an achievement I say.
  • I like him so much,so so so much.

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