Sunday 5 August 2012

I think I'm legit friends with N and M now. I sat next to N at tutor today and we talked quite a bit, and I noticed M is quite touchy feely, he kept poking me saying I was so skinny (not that I'm complaining) and even touched my lips when he was talking about giving K gobs. But still, it's great knowing I'm on their good side :)
Oh I'm so damn nervous for tomorrow, bio results come out and I just want an A+ so so so so so badly. I worked so hard and more than anything I just want to make Dr.Perera proud. I don't want to boast, or wave around my intelligence, I just want to be able to send my dedicated tutor a text saying "it's an A+ Dr.Perera, thank you so so much" I want to show him that all his hard work has paid off, and that I am eternally grateful. Please God, whichever one you are, please, do this for me...I'm not asking for a miracle, I just want my semester's effort shown, and to know that I can achieve my goals if I really try. Please.

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