Wednesday 17 October 2012


- coolest experiment in chem ever. We played with dry ice and there was like smoke/gas everywhere
- was supossed to go dr.p shopping with N and C but C couldn't make it and N and I couldn't be bothered so were going Friday instead
- bought four lolly flower bouquets for the year 12's and 2 blocks of lindt for A and N
- went looking for cheap gladiators at the QV store, but they had none, but they did have tons of really really reallllllllllllllllly nice heals from $5-$15. I wanted to get some so bad, but I don't need more shoes!! (besides new gladiators) so  resisted
- spent aggggggges in breadtop deciding what to get, ended up being cheap and just getting garlic bread, I was supposed to get bubble tea BUT I LOST MY MEMBERSHIP CARD!! not going to risk not getting a stamp :P oh and they changed the priceline in springy to some asian pharmacy they still have essence luckily but its going to be a lot harder to find out what sales are going on
- leadership results come out! neither A or S got oreads, I feel so bad...and poor A too, i really thought she was a shoe in for Dryads
- work completed :

  • practise exam
  • miss day questions
  • semantics
  • 3 pages of a dr.p booklet
  • 20 minutes of french listening
  • 30minutesh of french
  • read lecture notes
  • 1 hour bio notes reading
 - suddenly feeling slightly uneasy about bio, did a practise exam today and saw N get 25/25 while I got 23 :/
 - talking to P about attraction and what not. I love/hate talking bout these kinda topics with him. Love coz it gives my butterflies and makes me smile, hate coz we get so close to the topic of us, but never actually talk about it -.-
- my diet today was awful. ugh healthy malshi healthy

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