Monday 15 October 2012

skinny love lasting too fucking long

liauewflrjhsldvjhs; P took my train afterschool today. Like omg, A and P kept smiling and giving me looks and like omg I couldn't stop smiling myself but ;awoirha;hfrgh how can this boy still make me smile after so long?
Initially i wasn't even sure if i'd meet up with him, coz I thought he was on two trains after the normal one, and I really didn't want to keep appachchi waiting but luckily he and his friend (who I really like btw, coz he was uber friendly) got on our carriage at caulfield.
I'd be lying if I said we had an amazing stimulating conversation and that there was no awkward silences whatsoever, but overall it was too bad. he stood like right next too me the whole train ride (shoulders touching close lruhgsdf.kjgb.d) and I hugged him when I got off, I DONT EVEN REMEMBER THE PAST TIME I HUGGED HIM! ;aurh;kjsdfd I seriously don't know how it is still possible for me to like him, to have these butterflies, to smile at stupid memories that are just over exaggerated in my head. WHY WON'T YOU JUST MAKE IT CLEAR P!!! ugh I know he never will, he's much too awkward a character, but man it would be so much easier if he did.

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