Wednesday 24 October 2012

the end of an era

so today was the last day of year 12's and tbh I didn't think I would miss them as much as I do, like it wasn't like I was super close with anyone of them, its just, having them there meant we weren't the oldest, that school, was far from over for us...but now, technically we're the oldest year level, in about one year from now, I'll be in the exact same position as they are.
Gave everyone there lolly flowers, and like T nearly cried (lol she was dressed as a hotdog, so hugging her was like the weirdest thing), and H and A took photo's and omg I had to run out of chem so I could give D hers, what luck! I caught her just as she was leaving!! year 12 video was hilarious (and during P2 so no french test :D) and just led to our group talking about all things year 12 - costumes, jumpers, schoolies, videos ITS SO CLOSE!!!!
another major thing was that J has been bingeing, she was so ashamed to tell me and started crying. I told her I couldn't believe she thought I would judge her and just tried to make her feel better, I took her to the counsellor and I think she did feel at least a bit better.

I have so many people to pray for tonight

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