Monday 29 October 2012

had a bit of a breakdown yesterday...well a bit more than a bit, I cried and like had a panic attack sorta thing :/ i though I was dealing with all the stress with bio, but apparantly my subconcious didn't think so, it was all because J came over after THE LAST EVER BIO TUTOR CLASS (shall talk about this more) and stayed for agessss and iI missed out on a couple hours study. It freaked me out like crazy and J knew it, my parents knew it and I reckon hers did too, ugh why am I such an awful friend? can't I just enjoy seeing my bestfriend after weeks and not be wrathed with guilt for not studying for a couple hours???
anyways, left school early today and went to state with A, so far work completed
  • 2 practise exams
  • 3 exams checked (all A+'s i think:) )
  • revised a chapter of maths
  • hominin evolution notes
  • hour of note reading
I still have like an hour and a half, so i think I might do a little maths and some checkpoints (maths exam tomorrow :/)
I feel like I'm ready for the exam but at the same time I'm not, its just so so so frustrating because I thought it would be different this time round coz I have already had experience, but no, I'm still doubting myself as much as I ever will 

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