Wednesday 10 October 2012

la difference entre sucre rapide et sucre lent

  • nearly fell asleep in tutor
  • nearly fell asleep this morning during my bio hour
  • nearly fell asleep in the bio lecture
  • I need more sleep
  • lol but back to the bio lecture, was supossed to finish at 5 but my and N yolo'd and left half way after getting our notes
  • stoich test today - didn't know how to calculate pH so my "method" of finding and answer was guessing something between 1-7, ended up with 2 lol yolo. But nah, didn't TOTALLY get screwed over
  • ate a whole doughnut on Tuesday for the first time in over a year, it tasted good :)
  • J's birthday on tuesday too, got him a pie - yes I am the best sister in the world
  • he also just gave me the coolest speakers ever, THEY ARE SHAPED LIKE APPLES!!!
  • 25 days til the exam...I should be worrying but I'm not
  • going to eat something from the canteen tomorrow, kinda excited I haven't bought anything from there before
  • no more assessments this week :)

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