Thursday 1 November 2012

We cry.

Just came back from Aunty Linta's funeral. I didn't think it would affect me that much, because compared to everyone else we weren't that close, but seeing as she is the closest person I've ever lost, I just couldn't stop the tears from flowing. The speeches, the tears, the memories just were all so so so sad, it's just so hard to believe she really is gone.
We all went back to her house after the funeral, and all the kids went to the nearby park. This too was oddly sad, we were talking about all the memories we had of things we used to do when we were younger, and just being all nostalgic, and it was just sad to see how much time has passed and how much we've changed.
On top of all this, tomorrow is my bio exam, and my birthday. I have been looking forward to this day for so long, I was so excited but now its all faded. as well as doing the bio exam, my french teacher wants me to do a french assessment, I have to go to some pooja, I thought that N might have wanted to spend the day with me, because well she is the only one who can coz everyone else has exams, but she wants to stay back at school after the exam (probably so she can see P) so i'm pretty much going to be alone on my birthday, wanted to get froyo but the weather is going to be at most 16 degrees tomorrow, I have to do a stupid dance that none of my friends are in just because ammi and appachchi wanted me too, and yeah...aunty linta's gone. Safe to bet, the only good thing about tomorrow will be no more 3/4 bio...but even then...what if I do bad???

ok with everything that's going on, all I ask to whoever is out there (lolreadingmyblog?) please let tomorrow's exam go well, please as a birthday present let me crack 70/75, I really have tried, I mean, I've read notes 1 hour a day for a month, I've done over 40 practise exams, spent hours and hours making notes and I have spent the last 2 days listening to biology podcasts. I've put in enough effort right? please all i'm asking is for it to pay off. If anything is to go right, just make it that (yn) oh and just make sure aunty linta finds heaven ok. as kiddish as that sounds I really mean it, rip.

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