Sunday 18 November 2012

So I have a french assessment and a methods exam tomorrow but I just can't study. So  I'm going to devote some quality time to my blog instead (yolo).
But saying this, I'm kinda doing  a half ass job because instead of writing about the things I should be writing about (the uneasy feeling I have within my stomach), I'm doing the typical Malshi coping mechanism by repressing everything that makes me feel uncomfortable and only dealing with them until I absolutely have too. Like legit, I'm not even letting myself think about it, even though I really should be.
Anyways, decided I want to chalk my hair just for the heck of it (I am actually loving my natural hair right at this moment, I can't stop looking at it in the mirror #lolvainmalshi)
like that, but on just a bit of my hair, so the parents don't notice. It's summer, think its time to expand my "hair horizons"

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