Friday 2 November 2012

jam packed.

I know I really should have made this post yesterday but by the time I remembered I had already put my laptop away and it was 1.30 in the morning, so here is a blow-by-blow recount.

  • woke up earlier than expected, and found a birthday text from J....was still tearing up in the morning about aunty linta
  • got the train and many cute as texts: favourite by far will be the one from P, even remembering what it said now makes me smile, it was just so so so cute. But am beyond disappointed M didn't text or even wallpost me on facebook. EVEN M AND N DID!!!! some bestfriend he is :/
  • Got to the lockers and N mad me a poster and got me a cupcake from 7/11 coz noone was at school to celebrate with me (made up for the fact she didn't hang out with me afterwards...kinda)
  • BIO EXAM!!!! was harder than I would have liked...but for some reason I don't feel bad about it?? which isn't a good sign because i thought I did well in the chem comp but ended up getting a participation :/
  • didn't stay and do my french assessment #lolfuckthat
  • bought a chiffon navy blue collared chirt from the south yarra shop
  • got FROYO!!! omg 3 types were burnt caramel, belgian chocolate (tasted like chocolate mouse soft serve!!) and organic coconut (my favourite) topped with nuts, coulis, muesli and a wafer.... and i managed to control myself too, the whole thing was under $5 :) 

  •  talked to J on the phone and thanked her for the amazing present
  • A, Irani akki, Kanthi nanthi all called
  • ate sugar for lunch
  • watch V.diaries, revenge, modern family and talked to P :)
  • went to temple and had this pooja thing
  • went out to this amazinggggg Jap restaurant with J (made up for him not giving me a present) were things were a little more pricier than usual, but was so so so good!! I got a pork bento box and we even had wine :D it was actually just so lovely (lol J even said "for the lady: ) :P I ate so much because I didn't want to waste anything, that I'm still full now!
  • the rest of the fambam went to uncle E and I stayed at home watching the amazing spiderman (omgomgogmogmogm andrew garfield <3) and spending ages deciding what I want from (so so so much makeup)
  • got over 100 fb posts (self esteem still there) and even N texted too...also a bit disappointed A didn't though :/
 overall not too shabby a birthday, considering :)

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