Friday 23 November 2012

So whoever said that as you grow older you grow wiser lied

So yesterday was S birthday party, and I only decided that morning to go.
I was totally freaking out about going and not knowing anyone, but I plucked up the courage at went anyway
went at 7.30 hoping to be fashionably late, but only like 6 people were there, which hence led my to a bit of mingling with randoms.
R came, and he also didn't really know anyone so he sat next to me and we talked
then A came.
and well th party was a complete bust, of the 100ish people who were supossed to come, only about 60 did
and it was just slightly awkward
I felt so sorry for S, she looked so upset
but yeah, to kill the time, we had to make our own fun
So I may or may not have tried smoking with A
and I also may or may not have hooked up with A........twice
omg Malshi, what even.

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