Tuesday 31 December 2013

15 minutes and counting

so I wanted to take a "last day of 2013 selfie" but I look like absolute crap (pepta bright doesn't seem to be working so that was a waste of $30 -.-) so i'm just going to do a "best of 2013" like I did last year.

1) High tea with J and C:
 I have never felt so loved. (Yes this is a different photo, but we didn't actually take one on the day)

2) Nipsican night
When we all came together to help out S when she really needed a hand. Blew of the mhs senior social and had a night in where we bonded over tacos and miss congeniality
 ( there was photos but i have no idea where :/)

3) the back of N's car with P after formal:
I've written about this many a times. Is to this date one of the most perfect moments ever. Thinking about it now hurts alot, but i can't deny that at the time it made me feel so much good that I could barely contain it/

4) The 2nd cricket match of SL vs Aus :
 Again because of P. The flirting, the hand holding, the developing feelings.... when it really all came back. It's so weird to think, that the first match I barely liked him. Well I did... but the escalation afterwards was incredible.

5) A's surprise birthday
When SNAGMS+ PK needed it the most. Everyone was feeling distant and the group was feeling the strain.  But over italian food and talk of Brazilians we bonded again haha

6) French exam/ Surprise birthday
So unexpected. I would have been happy regardless because it was my last exam but having everyone there was just so great. Even J, it was just so lovely :)

7) Seeing Ed Sheeran walk out on stage
From the worst day to the most amazing night, only Ed Sheeran could have evoked such a changed that fast.

8) aths carnival/swimming carnival
I know i'm cheating by grouping two events together, but they were both special to me for the same reason - oread spirit, good photos and P complimented me (the last is pathetic I know)

9) House drama
Wasn't as amazing as last year but still was enough for my toe to start cramping because I was dancing so hard AND we came 2nd!

10) interball
I don't remember the exact details but I know I had fun and that P complimented me

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