Saturday 21 December 2013

Self esteem where art thou?

so P text this morning telling me that "heaps of guys thought you looked mint last night" and he said this a few times. It was so our of the blue. At the actually party I barely spoke to anyone new. Sure kkg tried hitting on me (he had drunk half a bottle of vodka by this point) and J kept switching between falling asleep and asking me to go outside with him (therefore also doesn't count). But in terms of everyone else? I really don't think anyone else gave me a second look. The one guy's attention who I was trying to catch hardly spoke to me so was obviously not interested so how all these other guys are keen I dont even understand. This is going to sound racist but the main reason i don't understand is because i'm curry and the majority of the guys were asian. Don't get me wrong, interracial couples and attraction can occur, but I think this only happens with the best of the best. As in, a curry will only find a really hot asian attractive and vice versa.
but im not hot.
Yes after i pop in my contacts and do my make up I am pretty, yeah i can kinda see that. But to have this reaction. Where at the last 3 parties i have gone to i have been hit on by at least two guys each night? I do not think I'm worth that much. I am not trying to be modest or humble I genuinely cannot see it. I don't understand my L is going to so much trouble or why guys of different races find me attractive. I mean if I really was that good looking, i'd be a real catch right? someone that you would not let go, that you would hold onto and foster a relationship. P did none of these things. He let me go, he sucks at trying to keep the friendship...... if I was really that pretty why would he do that?

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