Tuesday 6 August 2013

I should be doing french

Gahhh procrastinating like crazy. French sac on friday that i dont want to study for coz I know its going to be too hard, so I'm just avoiding the practise sac be doing spesh (lol what?). Anyways today was alliance and although i was so nervous HOLY SHIT THE GUY WHO TESTED ME WAS THE MOST GORGEOUS THING EVER!! Like okay, when i first saw him, i wasnt taken aback or anything, but when we started talking... His voice... It was just so soft and smooth and calming and omg im getting all giddy just thinking about it now :P the actually competition part wasnt too bad. I probably didn't do that well in general convo coz i didnt elaborate much but i just spoke and spoke for the french rev part so he didnt even have tome to ask questions! It was obvious i was just reciting something, but my accent was almost as good as it is when i talk french to myself and i dunno, our conversation just seemed to flow..... God he was so beautiful. At lunch we had our first lipsynching rehearsal and we had about 12 girls which is pretty good for a first rehearsal turn out, aparantly 25 girls confirmed they want to do it :D 
Afterschool i went and bummed around in priceline were i bought a gold eyeliner and a pink lipliner (tried on so many lip products, my lips were dying) and then found formal earrings for $2 (hope they match) and got a little bit of breadtop before going home. 
P asked me a question about my formal for the first time today and it was about pre's, so i finally told him about the fact that we can pick him up and stuff, so now all the 'components' of my plan are actually aware of my plan :P hopefully it goes alright on the day though. I'm stocked about the hummer limo (hope its worth the $70) but am still so unsure about afters, everything is still so up in the air :/

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