Friday 30 August 2013


wow and wow
- K worked her magic again, made me look pretty AND convinced me to have an updo. Tbh I don't think I looked THAT great on the night, i didn't really like my hair or my dress, but the amount of genuine compliments I got makes me think that it really is just me and my inability to see myself in a posistive light
- had a freak out coz we were half an hour late to G's and I thought P was there by himself, but as we turned into the court, K, N with P, and P and his dad had just arrived
- pre's was pretty bad, everything was so hectic coz everyone's parents was talking photos and yelling and it was just so crazy and overwhelming, and P looked like he felt pretty out of place
- limo was also shit because the music wasn;t working for the first half of the ride, and when it did no one was getting into it, but alas thank god for alcohol. N,S,P and I drunk a little more than we should have but fuck did it make our night good.
- THEY HAD A PHOTOBOOTH, week took my most favourite SNAGMS+PK photo ever, and i got some cute ones with P and MAN
- felt like i spent the whole night taking photos but actually have nothing to show for it, except that i felt really bad for having to keep ditching P.
- we danced so much, and took so many photos together and we kissed. P and I kissed. we fucking kissed.
after it happen I asked him "so what does this mean" and he just shrugged. I was a little taken aback but didn't push it, and just kept dancing, but when we sat down he wouldn't look me in the eye. I started freaking out. What if it was a shit kiss? There wasn't the fireworks he was expecting, What if he regrets it? but then he started talking normally again and was fine, but still I had this underlying uneasy feeling.
- after formal was done N's brother came to pick us up and i volunteered for P and I to go in the very back (yes i had a cute romantic car ride in mind) and that's exactly what happened. We were just talking like normal with everyone else, but then he took my hand, HE made the first move, he took my hand and tried to pull me over, so I unbuckled my seatbelt and I went to him, where he pulled me close and put his arms around my waist and his face close to mine. He kissed me again, and maybe another time after that. Tbh I don't really remember, anything but the fact my heart was absolutely burning, and i had never felt so at ease in my entire life.
- once we got to N's, we cut K a birthday cake, and chilled and played scattergories for an hour and it was nice. It was cute with just MAN and the partners, and I am really glad we didn't go to M's for afters. When the boys were about to leave, N and P left the room so they could hook up in private, leaving me and P. We gave each other a reallllly long hug and again, he kissed me. This wasn't anything romantic or anything like in the car, but just a quick unexpected peck that totally caught me by surprise.
- after they left i stayed at N's for about 20 were we just talked, and N was wondering why i was not jumping around with joy. I was pretty surprised to. I mean 3 years of feelings with this boy and we finally kiss? I think I was to shocked to be happy. I thought if anything did happen it would be at his formal, not at ours, definitely not, but hey...there you go :S

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