Wednesday 10 July 2013


so its been a while ey?
not been posting for almost a month mainly due to the fact that my laptop was fucked up and i ceebs posting on the downstairs computer BUT yesterday was formal (with P yes) so i feel that this very signeficant day has to be recorded. The good and the bad.
So before I had a chance to have a full blown panic attack we got a phone call from uncle S that ammi and apachchi should come visit aunty B. Of all days, all fucking days. My hair appointment was at 1.30 and J came to pick me up, so my emotions were going all over the place, i was excited, then guilty, then upset, and then nervous, it was just so fucking draining. So my hair didn't look amazing and she had to fixed it quite a bit before I was even semi happy (plus she charged $40 -.-) but when the makeup and dress came on, i didn't look half bad.
Went to P's late because of appachchi and traffic but it wasn't too bad coz a few other girls were late too. Pre's was awkwardish. I tried and failed at small talk. I stood awkwardly around.there was a very very awkward moment when we were doing shots and there wasnt enough for me and ugh just the thought makes me cringe,and the one photo i did see that P's dad took, i looked so fucking fat :/ I was actually shaking during the photos just because my emotions were just everywhere.As bad as pre's was (and tbh, it probably wasn't even that just overanalysing it), P's dad was really adorable and friendly, and i even kissed his mum hello who was nothing at all of what i expected she seemed so nice!
The limo was mint. like omfg so much fun, more shots and P got drunk and he was singing and laughing and just so much fun. I got to know his best mate L a bit who i think might like me despite all the disgusted looks he gave me because of my lack of knowledge in shm and cars. But yeah i was slightly tipsy too, and with P was just racing and it was just so funny.
When we did get to brighton the boys finished off the drinks so P was even more drunk but oh he was so funny. He was talking at like 100km/h introducing me to everyone we passed (yeah they could tell P was drunk). He started getting really personal and stuff too.He told me about this huge fight with his mum and brother and that he cried about it and wow he really opened up.
WE SLOW DANCED!! haha and he was the one who asked me to as well!! but it was all romantic or anything, we were really chill about it and we just talked and he mentioned my formal and how he was nervous for it and stuff.... (this was the moment i decided i will get him drunk at our pres). this was about 2/3 through the night? and for the last bit P turned into the complete opposite. All his energy was zapped out of him and he just looked so tired and even though we dance it was kinda boring dancing and i dunno, it was great BUT i had such a good time with drunk P it kinda made up for it.
End of the night, i kissed him on the cheek...had he still been slightly tipsy i think it would have been a proper kiss but it was too bad. We hugged alot, and held hands a lot and he put his arms around my waist alot and it was nice....i dont really see a kiss happening at my formal either but if he at least has fun it will be ok.
ok the worst bit of the night. P left before my coz whitney called her mum late, so we ended up having to wait an hour. i didn't hear my phone at all but P had left 2 missed calls and a text, because apparently he and his dad drove back to get me (his dad called my dad to make sure i was okay). Ugh i only saw the call half an hour after he made it, so who knows how long they waited for me!! i just felt so so so so so awful :/
Turns out not only W's mum came but her dad and ammi and appachchi too. they had all been at aunty B's house so after getting picked at 12, we went back to W's house got change, then went home. The whole time i was texting P apologizing and just talking about the situation with aunty B and he tried comforting me in a weird way i think, which was nice BUT alas it was a freindsy text message again. ugh i dont even know.
Now for the few photos i did take.

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