Friday 1 February 2013

what is my life

  • 5 hours of chem today
  • the 5 hours didn't make me feel any less stupid in tutor though ( yay 7/15)
  • 61th percentile on my first section 2 exam paper for umat :( (i did get 96 for section 3 though)
  • too tired from chem and feeling like a leaking tank (yes i have my period....tmi?) so i didn't go dancing and probably wont this whole month....yeah muscle my ass
  • trying to eat less sugar, and is going somewhat okay.... i;ve only sligghhhhhttly cut down, but still its better than nothing (we have chocolate croissants in the pantry though a;euirgh;ejg)
  • how can he flirt with me so much in person, but seem so distant online? I keep checking facebook for his messages like every 5 minutes, its pathetic
yeah im in a shit mood.

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