Sunday 24 February 2013

  • i tried waxing my snail trail off and ended up with a patchy stomach, and i also tried getting rid of some of the hair on my back, and now im burning all over
  • spesh test tomorrow and im fucked, dont have my notes ready even. Like its not like i have no idea whatsoever of what im doing, see if this was methods, my current knowledge would be enough to get me a bit better than average score. But this is spesh. So me only kinda knowing what im doing = fail
  • i feel like i've wasted my entire day. Its not like I haven't been working. I've done spesh all day and had umat tutor, but i know the work I did for spesh isnt going to pay off, so it's almost like i've done nothing. Ok malshi get your shit together, you have 3 weeks to prepare for 5 sacs. TAKE IT SERIOUSLY!
  • so P's phone died yesterday and he was at a family friends house.... yeah I am just a little to paranoid :/ but omg he apologised and everything, it was just the cutest
  • the week hasnt even started and i want the next weekend to come already :/

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