Monday 30 July 2012


  • I keep remembering Dr.Perera crying tears of laughter because of the photo of that fat baby - I will forever love this man <3
  • oat milk is nice.....but I think I like almond milk better
  • P wants to meet up on wednesday afterschool, which I can now go to because house drama rehearsals got cancelled
  • had my bio sac today. It wasn't easy but I managed to finish, so unsure about some of my answers though
  • Skipped french and went to sickbay instead because i thought we had a french pronoun test which I didnt study for because of bio - ended up being a freee study period anyway because trenchy was away -.- wasn't that bad coz N and V wagged too, so we sat in the sickbay and talked about the sac which N had already done
  • pumpkin rosemary scones with melted cheese <3
  • N ask me why I didn't sit with him and M at Dr.P, maybe they really do like me after all??
  • Got jokingly asked to mhs formal today by N and A, so there mate A could get a date. I said no, because obviously they weren't serious but I knew that if i had said yes, I probably would have been seriously asked. I WANT TO GO SOO BAD!!! but for various reasons ( parents that would never agree, $115 ticket, week before my own formal, no dress, parents that would never agree) I had to pretend I didn't want to :(
  • Pretty sure N likes N better than me :/
  • I feel myself drifting away from M
  • I should really stop writing this pointless post and do some homework.

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