Tuesday 7 May 2013


  • chem sac results tomorrow. I'm actually quite nervous tbh, I already know I have quite a few marks off, and the average is so high, I know I say this before every sac but please please let me do well :/
  • I've decided methods is my favourite subject at school, because maths exercises that don't take 3 hours to finish are awesome, and I, B and J are awesome and getting good marks is just awesome.
  • totally freaked out about possibly having an englang sac the day after house drama BUT ALL GOOD! its the week after!
  • completely owned appachchi when he tried to tell me off for going out too much "you've seen my sac marks, they've been so good, if i can get marks like these and go out then why shouldn't i go out?"
  • more schoolies talk = more uneasiness
  • i had a chai latte for the first time today, it was only from a packet, but still very very good :D
  • sorted out N and S's birthday presents and I'm actually quite happy now :) I was quite upset with N's in particular but now we're making her a scrapbook and I know she is just going to love it
  • i feel quite gross with what i've been eating the past couple of days even though it hasn't been THAT bad, but still i feel like eating really clean = no wondering around mc to buy cheap food. If i come home straight away I'm rewarding myself with an episode of GOT

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