Monday 11 March 2013

ok so this long weekend I have stayed at home the whole time and studied, but it was the type of study that i feel productive after you know? the weather has been so hot these past couple of days, so even doing one thing takes me hours. About 4 hours ago, I felt somewhat ready for all my sacs (except spesh) and now for some reason, I don't feel ready for any one them, I've done 2 practice sacs for French both im sure are littered with mistakes, but hopefully are okay content wise. I have done so so so much englang in the past 2 days, and I feel like i understand what most of the terms mean, but i still feel unsure about when to apply them. Everyone else seems to have a good idea what they about what they are doing, but i still feel lost. I wish we were given a practice sac so i can kinda imagine how things are going to go, but by the looks of it, the first sac is going to be my first attempt, and therefore im expecting an awful score :/ Methods im terms of "essentials" i've got down pat, but in terms with checkpoints, not to much :/ It's not like im completely lost, but i just want to be able to do this sac and completely own. And of course spesh. I know I am able to completely forget about spesh and no one would care, but its just not in my nature. There is so much I dont understand, and when i try to study for it i just feel like im wasting my time. I know if i really tried i could probably get a 30 for spesh, but is it worth wasting time for a 30, when i could concentrate on my other subjects? i dunno :/
ugh i still have a week, and this long weekend. Hopefully the weather will cool down and I can really hardcore and see how things go.

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