Friday 11 January 2013

the cricket

So today was amazing for one thing and one thing only...P. We sat together for about 4 or 5 hours and owarihglskrjghlaeirtya ugh, why are we seriously not together? A lot of the time we didn't know what to say/ had nothing to say but we just ending up poking each other or tickling each other and just other cute stuff, like companionable silence with a touch of awkward if that makes sense? We sat really close, and shared the flag as a use of a shield against the cold and the sun and ugh it was just great. I NEED TO CONVINCE HIM TO COME TO THE 20TWENTY! other notable mentions.
- B and A totally hit it off, went and sat alone for a couple hours and everything!
- saw N, S, M, K, D, L and N nice catching up :)
- saw A at the station, fuck awkward and then he texted me asking if there were spare seats near me, I lied and said no. Then when the match was over I saw him again, and I could tell he wanted to talk but i was with apachchi so it was too weird, so I just smiled and hurried away. LOL this friendship is not going smoothly
- nearly puked because of how hot it was, sitting in that intense heat and despite my best effort I still got dark, but it's only a shade or two, so I guess it could have been worse
- D and V were having a kinda fight :/ LOL I also found out her first kiss was at the carpark the day we went bowling :P
- weighed myself like an hour before and was 44.3kg lowest i've been i think despite the fatty roti for breakfast, sugary snacks and subway for lunch.....I allowed myself to eat a muesli bar just now because of it

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