Tuesday 18 December 2012

yesterday I was knocked off my feet. Literally knocked off my feet by some women who smashed into me whilst running and screaming "get the fuck out of the way". Before I even had time to comprehend what had happened I was on the floor, with the wind knocked out off me. All the woman did was look back and say "I told you, to get out of the way" and kept running. I also think she said something racist to a group of muslim girls next to me, because they went crazy and started yelling at her. But god it was embarrassing, everyone kept coming up to me and asking if i was okay and saying she was crazy, and I was too shocked to say anything but "i'm fine". Never in my life have I been hit so hard before...maybe in a car crash??
The whole left side of my body still hurts and now I have to go temple because ammi thinks this is God's way of punishing me for not thanking him after I got my results -.-

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