Thursday 20 December 2012


today was kris kringle and games day at K's and boy was it a great day. I legit spent an hour yesterday wrapping my present for N (huge ass bear, jewellery, nail polish, skirt, and chocolate). I had to have help from apachchi and legit used everything to wrap this present, seriously garbage bags, scoobies, ribbon, paper and even velcro! but yeah, it was eventually done and N loved it! especially the bear which made her tear up a bit :P G had me, and got me a white peplum skirt (which i really like, but wish was black), nail art pen and some chocolate melting moments (which taste divine but calories :/).
We ended up playing quite a few games: kent, bullshit, tongues, taboo and scattergories and had brunch (scones, wedges, mini croissants etc) and overall the day was just lovely :)
Just came back from spesh tutor WHERE THE CUTEST BOY IN THE UNIVERSE JOINED OUR CLASS! ;weoirgu;weolfjvdfi like omg, why did I look like a hobo today :/ ugh didn't talk to him once, please, please be in my class next year (yn)

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