Monday 31 December 2012

Best of 2012

1) speech night
2) 49 in bio
3) green jumpers and.....
4)mindel beach market
5)yellow waters cruise
6)campfire on central
7)post exam celebration day
8)house drama
9)senior social
10)kush's 21st
11)earth hour

Sunday 30 December 2012

back from mount buller and can I just say i have missed the internet so so so much. Trip was ok, tested my strength towards food thats for sure, man i am so glad to come home to yogurt and subway (Y), i missed it so much, almost as much as sam and dean from supernatural. Already demolished season 1 and on season 2 now.
apeiurghlefkj i love them so much.

Monday 24 December 2012

lol so yesterday was aunty K's Christmas party and at the party was uncle G and his 2 sons. The last time I saw either of them, must have been like 6 years ago, i couldn't even remember their names! But yeah i guess it's ok, coz uncle G couldn't remember mine :P (called me venesha -.-). After asking my name and talking to me a bit, I pretended to be engrossed in my dinner, while i overheard him talking to his very cute 19 year old son (whose name is Bradley) telling him to go and talk to me :P hahah first time I have ever seen a curry dad try and get his soon to talk to girls or try hook them up. I dunno, its pretty lame but I just found the whole situation hilarious :P

Saturday 22 December 2012

Thursday 20 December 2012


today was kris kringle and games day at K's and boy was it a great day. I legit spent an hour yesterday wrapping my present for N (huge ass bear, jewellery, nail polish, skirt, and chocolate). I had to have help from apachchi and legit used everything to wrap this present, seriously garbage bags, scoobies, ribbon, paper and even velcro! but yeah, it was eventually done and N loved it! especially the bear which made her tear up a bit :P G had me, and got me a white peplum skirt (which i really like, but wish was black), nail art pen and some chocolate melting moments (which taste divine but calories :/).
We ended up playing quite a few games: kent, bullshit, tongues, taboo and scattergories and had brunch (scones, wedges, mini croissants etc) and overall the day was just lovely :)
Just came back from spesh tutor WHERE THE CUTEST BOY IN THE UNIVERSE JOINED OUR CLASS! ;weoirgu;weolfjvdfi like omg, why did I look like a hobo today :/ ugh didn't talk to him once, please, please be in my class next year (yn)

Tuesday 18 December 2012

yesterday I was knocked off my feet. Literally knocked off my feet by some women who smashed into me whilst running and screaming "get the fuck out of the way". Before I even had time to comprehend what had happened I was on the floor, with the wind knocked out off me. All the woman did was look back and say "I told you, to get out of the way" and kept running. I also think she said something racist to a group of muslim girls next to me, because they went crazy and started yelling at her. But god it was embarrassing, everyone kept coming up to me and asking if i was okay and saying she was crazy, and I was too shocked to say anything but "i'm fine". Never in my life have I been hit so hard before...maybe in a car crash??
The whole left side of my body still hurts and now I have to go temple because ammi thinks this is God's way of punishing me for not thanking him after I got my results -.-

Monday 17 December 2012

this is actually surreal  I imagined so many times me getting a 49 but always laughed at myself and told myself to be more realistic. How did this even happen. Seriously I am just in pure disbelief, I really am. So many people are congratulating me and giving me presents and for once I'm just accepting it. I deserve this, and maybe this will finally put my ability into perspective....or not :P oh well, its fun being surprised :P I had a perfect night out with N, P, G and K for dinner at "Mocha Joe's" (ordered chips coz were that classy) and dessert at max brenners and some of the reactions I got to my score were just unforgettable  Ammi started crying, J swore and N hugged me for 5 minutes. I have made my parents so proud and I can;t think of a better feeling.

Sunday 16 December 2012

how is this even possible?

10 minutes away from finding out my biology result

 omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg

IM SO NERVOUS!!!!! I want a 45 PLEASE but i dont think i will so get your hopes down malshi above 40 aim above 40. But then again what if I flunked the 2nd exam?? maybe I totally screwed it up and I got like a B :S then I'll only get high 30's. omgomgomgomgomgomgomg.

please let it be ok (YN)

Saturday 15 December 2012

he seriously just won't give me a break. I don't want to go out with him, but he is just way to keen and I can't say know. It doesn't feel right, and he is just not the right guy. Tuesday will be the first and last time.

Thursday 13 December 2012

holidays buys!!

  • white chiffon shirt
  • black chiffon top (technically for ammi, but i could get away wearing it once or twice :P)
  • navy blue chiffon shirt
  • bright orange skater dress
  • grey supre dress
  • dotti bodycon dress
  • supre top
  • lip balm
  • black batwing top
  • supre tank top
  • black skirt
  • coloured fineliners
  • revlon eyeshadow palette
  • black sandles
  • lipgloss
  • eyeshadow
  • lipstick
  • brown and grey nail polish
  • hair cream
  • necklace

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Plaza with N, G, and S today and gee it was great. Started off the day early at N's house at 7 because I couldn't get dropped of at any other time, thus it resulted in 2 and a half hours of the fresh prince of bel- air :P Anyways went to the plaza and bought a Bright orange skater dress ($10), a top for ammi, a grey t-shirt dress, and a loose long top (both just 2.50!) I tried on this black peplum skirt which I absolutely ADORED but it was $25 and i'm to cheap for that, so hopefully my KK was there today and picked up many of the hints I was throwing around :P
G and N came back to mine where we sat and talked for ages (quite hard hitting stuff) and played with my nail polish. Seriously all of us are just so terrified for next year. Me more than anyone :/
disappointed with the amount of umat I did today (maybe an hourish?) and I don't even think i'll get much done tomorrow because I'm going city with Appachchi to go to melb uni, but hopfully I can fit in at least 2 hours with some school work in  there too!

eat clean Malshi has to start again. I feel so gross about myself atm, and can only see fat jiggling everywhere.

Monday 10 December 2012


  • umat is fucking hard, and shit the chances of me doing well are limited
  • holidays are definitely not as packed as I thought the were going to be
  • the reason I don't want to go out with A, is not because I don't like him, it's because I have soppy, unrealistic expectations of how my first (or any for that matter) should be, and he doesn't meet that criteria, which isn't surprising because I don't thing anyone ever will (yes even P). I'm destined to be alone forever.
  • you know things are bad when you have bad dreams about spesh.
  • I also just realised the difference between a bad dream and a nightmare, a nightmare actually scares you, gets you heart beating and short of breath whist a bad dream is just...bad. An unpleasant experience you don't really want to go through again.
  • I'm not as close to N as I thought I was. She had a birthday picnic and I wasn't invited :/

Thursday 6 December 2012


went shopping today with J at fountain gate and got a skirt, shadow palette, lip gloss  lipstick and coloured fineliners! went with her parents and it was nice, they are all just so lovely!
went back to her place to wax my back, ammi called, she raged (didn't want me shopping with J in the first place let alone go to her house), called appachchi to pick me up, so I had to leave with my back half waxed. Came home and had a huge fight, but surprisingly everything is perfectly fine now :s
my parents are so hard to predict :S

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Told A about my horror year 10 year today and brushed on the subject with P and now just waiting for his reply. I find it ok to talk about now, but tbh I think its just harder for people to hear. Like what are they supposed to say to it?? "sorry you nearly had an eating disorder" A was pretty much just shocked, and didn't really pry, and well P I can just see this subject being too much for him to handle.
Shame though, would be good to talk it over with him.

I haven't even done anything wrong and I feel like shit.

I just want to spend a day with my bestfriend... is that so bad?
and work......I'll get to it! seriously a few days of only 2 hours of work isn't too bad is it?
ugh I feel like my mind is being pulled in all directions.
do work
do it later
go out with A
don't go out with A
relax a bit
go do umat
do spesh
make plans with J
get a job

I just need to get myself together again.

Saturday 1 December 2012

to try.

 Fresh apple cake

Chocolate zucchini cake

Zucchini muffins

Black bean brownies

Applesauce carrot cake

Banana bread

Peanut Butter squares


Yesterday was C's 17th, and it was actually quite fun. A tad awkward at the start because everyone was in little groups and G,P and I didn't know much people, but it definitely got better throughout the night. Her house is absolutely amazing, and the dress C wore was to die for and it's just great I've had the opportunity to be out of my comfort zone again and meet new people.Met various people I have seen all over facebook (spent like half the night talking to S, who is actually one of the funniest people I have ever met), witnessed GG first kissed (lol omg, L was half drunk, and there was a whole group of people surrounding the two off them cheering...she looked like she was raping him :P) and even got complimented on my makeup (YES practise makes perfect) AND D said I have perfect legs :P LIKE WHAT EVEN???
I'm actually so glad I went though, it was a proper party, with the drinking and smoking, and the hook ups but minus the vomit and fights, which was great. BUT drama alert when a drunk N who thought she was staying over, got picked up by her dad halfway through the night...apparently he wasn't very happy :/
the only think about yesterday was the amount of shit I ate (and fattening alcohol I drank) but seriously, clean eating Malshi will commence again starting today.