Sunday 10 August 2014

ok so just let me be a little petty bitch alright?

ugh so I just saw the dancefest groups and I didn't make any of the medium/hard groups which has me really really REALLY annoyed. I know i'm not an amazing dancer but i'm sure im better than some of the girls who did make it (namely P and H who were chosen i think purely because they have friends on the committee) This means i'm chucked to the side in the easy group and i'm not sure if I even want to do it anymore. I know that is so stupid and immature, but dance fest seems like a bit of a commitment and it will require me spending 3 days less in melbourne so I can make the dancefest camp. Do I really want to put that much in, when i will most likely be bored and uncommitted to the whole production? But that said, over half the college is participating ugh. I can't really talk to anyone about it because I will sound so petty and up myself, but I'm actually in a really dilemma :/

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