Wednesday 12 June 2013


- pretty much planned out everyone's formal night today with N on the train, ie who everyone is taking, what table they would sit at and possible afters. Now we just need to tell the rest of the group :P
 - went out to breakfast with N,A,and G. We were supposed to go to the earl canteen but we couldn't find it so we just went to the nearest cafe which actually turned out to be really good. I got french toast which tasted great but was fucking hugeeeeee.
- LOL gat, omfg I need to work on my essay skills so bad. (highlight though, i used the word ostracized and pertinent but i just realised i spelt it wrong -.-)
 - went to chemist warehouse to get myself a concelor, but fuck me im too black for all of them, so i just ended up getting liquid eyeliner instead
- things with P seem okay?? kinda?? :S i dunno, still so unsure and waiting for a soul crushing text from W
- WAS SO CLOSE TO ACTUALLY BUYING MY FORMAL DRESS! but no, hopefully tomorrow!!
- i have my chem sac tomorrow and even though i barely studied for it today, i feel pretty ready, i dunno i just hope i do well :/
- also realised i'll be getting methods and englang sacs back tomorrow too.........PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LORD, MY FAVOURITE SUBJECTS PLEASE A+'S PLEASE !!!!!
- also lord one more favor....actually two. the first, please please please give C the scholarship, she deserves it so so so so so much and she is just so amazing, lovely and unique, she really needs it, and secondly please make aunty B ok. I know you can't take away the cancer, i'm not asking for a miracle.... just less pain and less worry. More optimism and more hope. let her live to see R's wedding, please.

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