Friday 19 September 2014

So I wasn't nominated because I have no friends, but fuck it, here's my 20 facts anyway.

1) In year 3 I was still spelling my last name wrong #13lettersguys
2) I absolutely hate anything with parsley or ginger (J knows)
3) My three top places I want to visit are Paris, Santorini and Africa
4) I can twist my wrist 360 degrees
5) I've read every Harry Potter book at least 7 times ( and some of them in French)
6) I've never moved houses my entire life
7) lol but then I moved states to QLD for uni, so now i'm on college
8) My life will be fulfilled if I hug a chimp before I die (hence Africa #3)
9) I have freezing hands like 96% of the time
10) I'm always wearing glasses or contacts, for those who have glasses my eyes are 7.50 and 6.50 for
 those who don't, that means I will walk into a pole even if its 10cm away
11) On that note, I used to be scared of the optometrist because I thought they were going to tell me I was going to go blind everytime I went
12) Defs a morning person, even after a night out i'm up at 7.30am
13) Probably the most technologically challenged teenager you'll ever meet
14) Brunch is one of my most favourite things in the world
15) I've never broken a bone
16) He may have let himself go a bit, but I would still do Leonardo Di Caprio
17) My favourite movie series is the Lord of the Rings
18)  I'm shocking with directions, I make the stereotype
19) When I'm bored at home I go into my brothers room and sit on him will he's sleeping so he wakes up lol
20)  Chronic overthinker

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