Sunday 8 September 2013

I have so many feelings inside of me, that are being mixed together so I can no longer identify which is which, except for when something unpleasant reminds my and makes one of the bad feelings more stronger and stand out.
- I wish I went to M's but I don't
- I wont to drop out of pro, but I don't
- I want to write a practice french essay, but I don't
- I want to be apart or yearbook committee, but I don't
- I want to give up on lipsynching, but I don't
- I want to apply for uni's, but I don't
- I want to be with you, but..... no, I just really want to be with you. But I know it's not the same for you. Yes you like me, but it's not the same. It's not the same distracting, hopeless type of like that makes me feel empty and sad 99% of the time. I thought things would be better. I thought everything would be okay, but I still feel like this, still feel this bad. I know love is supposed to hurt, but this isn't fair. I still haven't properly loved enough for it to make me feel this much.

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